Co-Parenting Experts Conclude That Family Courts Should Be Able To Make Shared Parenting Orders

Researching Reform

At the first International Conference on Shared Parenting, which took place last July, leading family and medical experts and practitioners sat down together to discuss ways in which they could bridge the gap between empirical evidence and socio-legal practice in relation to shared parenting.

The conference, which was organized by the International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP), resulted in a list of six agreed key points and objectives, one of which was that courts should have the ability to make shared parenting orders. As we already have the power in the UK to make orders which amount to shared parenting, which we define as the sharing of rights and responsibilities in relation to a child, the suggestion may seem redundant. However, the implication may be that changing the name of such orders (which we assume would be flexible in relation to what kinds of contact and time would be prescribed), could…

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